About Us

The Chicago Real Estate Network is made up of Regular Members and Associate Members. The number of Associate Member companies cannot exceed more than 25% of the number of Regular Members. Associate Member candidates are encouraged to help sponsor and attend CREN functions as part of consideration for membership, and potential Regular Members are allowed to attend CREN events as guests of an Associate Member company.

Regular Members pay annual dues of $50, and Associate Member companies pay $1,450 for initial membership ($1,250 to renew), with a limit of four persons allowed as members from each Associate company. Dues are used to help defray the cost of each function. For this reason, potential Regular Members who attend CREN functions are encouraged to join CREN.

Our History

The Chicago Real Estate Network, formerly known as the Chicago Metropolitan Building Manager’s Club, was established in 1949 as a social club for Building Managers and their colleagues.

Today, CREN has grown into a social and charitable organization where property professionals get together several times a year to socialize and keep in touch. Each event is carefully planned to ensure that the Members get the most value out of the experience, including an opportunity to talk to their friends and colleagues in an informal environment.

Our Commitment

CREN is particularly proud of its social conscience, holding an annual charity auction, and donating generously to causes on behalf of its members.